What’s a Menstrual Coach, & How Do You Know If You Need One?

What’s your relationship with your period? Do you dread it? Do you have a condition like endometriosis or PCOS that makes it unpredictable, unbearable or both? Do you feel like you’ve tried everything and you still feel like the crappiest crap every month?

Have you ever heard of a period coach? It’s an actual thing, and it doesn’t just exist in places like New York and Los Angeles. Period coaches help you understand your cycle, its quirks and why and how things play out (or don’t).

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Before we get into the specifics of period coaching, you should know that for some, it’s controversial. Some menstrual coaches don’t have a license, and so they’re not technically qualified to practice medicine.

“I have no idea why someone would see a menstrual coach instead of an acupuncturist and/or naturopath where we can treat holistically and recognize issues with our female patients and correctly triage to a GYNendocrinologist or other medical practitioner. We integrate care,” Dr. Elizabeth Trattner, a doctor of Oriental medicine and acupuncture says.

Practitioners of Chinese medicine, Trattner says, are super-effective at resolving issues like fertilitymenstrual pain and pelvic congestion syndrome. Depending on how a person who menstruates cares for themself, their diet, stress levels, sleep and iron intake can all affect periods. If your period is different in a bad way for more than three months, it is time to see a gynecologist. Trattner recommends addressing heat and cardiovascular exercise as a means of regulating your period and its symptoms.

More: Yes, Your Period Messes With Your Digestive System – Here’s Why

What to expect from a menstrual coach

As far as period coaches go, there seems to be some variation in the practice. Limor Weinstein is both a therapist and a menstrual coach. She encourages her clients to talk about their periods and how they feel about them and urges them to remember that people who get periods all have similar experiences.

Weinstein also helps them to develop skills to cope with their symptoms, especially mood swingsdepression and anxiety. She practices cognitive behavioral therapy and refers folks with especially severe symptoms to physicians and holistic practitioners.

“There are various natural supplements that are known to help women with reduction of symptoms – alongside working through the emotional aspects that are caused by the physical changes in the body,” Weinstein says. “Working with a medical doctor in conjunction with a coach or a therapist is very helpful.” She also recommends consulting a menstrual coach if their cycle and its symptoms are adversely impacting their ability to function on a day-to-day level.

If you seek menstrual coaching from Samantha Salmon, an integrative nutrition health coach, author of You Can Afford to Be Healthy and creator of the Perfect Period Program, you’ll get guidance on how to have a more comfortable period experience. Salmon looks at how diet, herbs and lifestyle can actually get rid of period pain and decrease the amount of bleeding you have.

“The point of coaching is to bring the client from where they are to their goal, and information alone does not help people do that,” Salmon explains.” That’s why they hire a coach. I help them break through the mental blocks and obstacles so they finally take action on what they have been struggling to do for a long time.”

Johns Hopkins University alumnus Alisa Vitti is the author of WomanCode and the creator of Flo Living, a support system for people dealing with period issues and the first global modern menstrual health company in existence. Vitti cites her own experience with her period and what she calls a “hormonal breakdown” as the catalyst for her foray into period coaching.

“We’re just not thinking about hormones the right way,” she says. “Synthetic birth control doesn’t really cure or address any of the problems. We need to be thinking about how to leverage the endocrine system.”

Flo Living’s protocol helps the body regulate hormones via diet and lifestyle. Vitti acknowledges that acupuncturists and naturopaths are super-helpful in treating period issues, but points out that they’re also often not covered by insurance, so one session with a Flo Living coach, which happens online, may be more affordable.

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“Ninety percent of the problem is that people don’t believe you can do anything about your period, so you take no action,” she says. “There’s a cult of confusion and misinformation around menstruation, and that’s keeping women sick and underserved.”

By Chanel Dubofsky

These Grey’s Anatomy Fan Favorites Are Officially Done & We’re Not OK

It’s been a rough week for Shondaland fans. On Thursday, Gladiators said goodbye to Olivia Pope with the Scandal series finale, and on Friday, social media turned out to be a Grey’s Anatomy tear-fest. This wasn’t your run-of-the-mill weekly sobbing the show merits; rather, it was a very specific sadness – the final day of filming for Sarah Drew and Jessica Capshaw, whose roles as fan favorites April Kepner and Arizona Robbins have officially run their course. The actors, their peers and fans alike flooded the internet with emotional tributes to the special characters these phenomenal talents brought to life.

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It’s only natural for everyone to need a minute to adjust to the idea of going forward on Grey’s without April and Arizona (or Aprizona, as fans affectionately refer to the onscreen BFFs). Capshaw first started roaming the hospital halls as Arizona, then a surgical fellow, way back in Season 5. Drew joined the following year, when Seattle Grace and Mercy West merged. Fans have loved these characters for a decade. Respects must be paid.

Ellen Pompeo got the ball rolling with heartfelt Instagram posts highlighting the beauty both actors brought to the show.

Grey’s Pompeo Drew

Grey’s Pompeo Drew

“THANK YOU to this lady….@thesarahdrew you served up the sugar and spice for 9 years and it’s been a blast. Your passion and talent for storytelling has touched so many people provoked thought and Greys is a better show because of it and you,” Pompeo wrote to Drew.

To Capshaw, Pompeo pointed out the cultural significance of her character.

Grey’s Pompeo Capshaw

Grey’s Pompeo Capshaw

“Boom…@thank you @jessicacapshaw for bringing it the way you have brought it for 10 amazing years,” Pompeo said. “What a blessing you are and what a contribution you made to television history. Lit that screen up with your glow on the LGBT community… making a difference and making it all look so easy.”

Brace yourselves – there’s more.

Rhimes devoted an Instagram post to Capshaw and Drew as well, calling them “beautifully talented women” who each deserve a whole day “to tell you stories about their talent and to tell what I know about what their roles have meant.” Magic. That’s what Rhimes called them, and who can argue?

Grey’s Shonda Drew Capshaw

Grey’s Shonda Drew Capshaw

One message in particular, though, may push fans over the edge. Jesse Williams – who shared countless poignant onscreen moments with Drew as half of the beloved “Japril” – posted a selfie with her, captioned with one simple, heartbreaking word: “Chapters.”

Grey’s Sarah Drew Jesse Williams

Grey’s Sarah Drew Jesse Williams

Or perhaps it will be the short video Drew posted to her own Instagram account that will send fans into an emotional tailspin. In the post, the actress revealed the touching gift given to her (and Capshaw, too) by the crew: a keepsake box filled with memorabilia from Drew’s time as Dr. April Kepner, along with letters from colleagues.

Grey’s Drew Box

Grey’s Drew Box

Capshaw shared her own version of goodbye on Twitter, saying, “That’s a series wrap for Arizona Robbins… wow, wow, wow.”

Grey’s Capshaw Goodbye

Grey’s Capshaw Goodbye

Whew, we’re already emotionally drained and the finale hasn’t even happened yet. We won’t dwell too much on just how gutting that episode will be, other than to say it’s probably a good idea to go into the evening well hydrated.

More: A Collection of the Best Grey’s Anatomy Memes in Honor of the Season 13 Finale

Now that we’ve gotten that (horrible, awful, no-good, bawl-inducing) news out of the way, it’s worthwhile to point out that it’s not all sad news coming out of the Grey’s camp. For starters, it won’t be long before Drew brings her undeniable presence to the screen again. She already has two roles in various stages of production – the war drama Indivisible and the TV movie Cagney and Lacey.

Grey’s Sarah Cagney

Grey’s Sarah Cagney

As for Grey’s, the show may be losing two fan favorites but will be bringing back another, if only for one episode. According to E! News, Geena Davis is set to reprise her role as Dr. Nicole Herman on Season 14’s penultimate episode. Per the logline, she’s bringing an “exciting opportunity” for Arizona.

It’s not a sure thing, but that certainly makes it sound like at least one of our girls may be making it out of Grey Sloan alive. Hey, you’ve gotta take little victories where you can get them, right?

Ellen DeGeneres Might Have Just Given Her Most Generous Gift Ever

Move over, Ellen’s 12 Days of Giveaways, because Ellen DeGeneres may have just given out her most generous gift to date. The host of The Ellen DeGeneres Show made headlines on Monday when she gave away $1 million to high school athletes who had been directly affected by Hurricane Harvey in 2017. Everything about this moment, which was captured in all its gloriousness on Monday’s episode, will leave you crying happy tears and Googling where you can send a donation check; DeGeneres’ generosity is that infectious.

More: 15 Times Ellen DeGeneres’s Charity Donations Were Amazing

Here’s the 411 about DeGeneres’ major giveaway, as E! News reports it. During Monday’s episode, the student-athletes of Rockport-Fulton High School volleyball team in Rockport, Texas videochatted with DeGeneres during the show. Before they spoke with DeGeneres directly, a pre-taped clip was shown wherein some of the young women on the team got to speak about life before Harvey and what it meant to play in their high school gym, Gold Gym.

“Before [Hurricane] Harvey, I looked forward to my senior year and being able to have those moments that every senior gets and I kind of didn’t get those moments. But I think, overall, I got more out of it than I probably ever would have,” team member Allison Sanders explained in the clip. Her teammates echoed those sentiments, by and large.

One of Sanders’ teammates, Carys Hawkins, couldn’t fight the tears when she explained during her interview how the devastation of Hurricane Harvey affected her and her teammates. “The moment I realized how bad it was was when […] we got pictures of our gym and it was just everywhere. It was like a second home for us, and to see it destroyed was so devastating,” Hawkins explained.

Ellen DeGeneres Hurricane Harvey HS Gift YouTube

Ellen DeGeneres Hurricane Harvey HS Gift YouTube

Visibly moved by the pre-taped interviews, DeGeneres surprised the team and other Rockport-Fulton students who had gathered in the local middle school’s gymnasium. While the Rockport-Fulton students thought they were filming a video for the show, DeGeneres cut in to chat with them (once the surprise and excitement had worn off a bit, that is). Grab a tissue, because the way in which DeGeneres introduces her generous gift is really something else.

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“I know that your gym was more than just a gym to all of you,” she explained. “It was important to your entire community.” Then, DeGeneres went on to say that with the help of the Lowe’s Gives program, $1 million (which DeGeneres acknowledged might be the biggest donation ever made on the show) was going to go towards rebuilding the Gold Gym. Of course, the tears began to flow along with the excited cheers from everyone in that Rockport gym and, if you’re anything like me, you might have shed a couple of tears watching this all unfold, too.

DeGeneres’ amazing donation is unprecedented but it admittedly scans with the kind of charitable giving that she does regularly on her show. While she is known for the flashier giveaways associated with the aforementioned Ellen’s 12 Days of Giveaways, it is not uncommon to see her teaming up with various corporations and charities to give large sums of money to working mothers trying to pay their bills, army families a little reunion surprise and beyond. DeGeneres’ heart is truly one of the biggest and she spreading the love that makes it that big each and every day.

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All this generosity is truly next-level. If there’s one person worth emulating when it comes to showing compassion and kindness and endeavoring to give love whenever possible, it’s surely DeGeneres and the example she sets.